3 perfume bottles
What am I looking for in a perfume?
I must say I daydream about have a nice little table in my room with many bottles of perfume. Big, small, expensive, main stream - just whatever suits me for that day. But I seem to do a lot of daydreaming. First, we have ZERO room. No room for a little table anywhere in our tiny bedroom. Fits the bed and that's it. Another is - not room in the bathroom. Our bathroom is very tiny. And we only have one for all of us. That's it - ONE tiny bathroom. With no medicine cabinet, or counter, or shelves or drawers for storage - zilch, zippo, nada. Did I metion no room anywhere? Top reason to buy a new house, just so one of us has some breathing room somewhere.
Anyway - I now have my perfume samples in a zip lock baggie. How sad is that?
I have two needs for a new perfume right now. Office Winter scent and an evening scent that needs to be more bold. Not like I get out on the town that much - but I would like something that makes me feel sexier then the jammies and bathrobe I usually wear around the house.
So the Office professional one is up. I've looked at three so far. Each to be given a review I'm sure. But I came about them all with out even trying. They were the samples I acquired from a Nordstrom SA one day. They spritzed each one on a card then I got samples. I would have never even looked at them. One you've already seen I tried out.
The next I tried was B by Boucheron.
IS THAT A NIPPLE! ^^^^^^^^
It's pretty darn nice smelling I must say - I waivered on giving it a higher rating rating. It's not an everyday scent to me, it smells expensive. I would wear it with a suit for an interview or giving a presentation to the Board of Directors. When I need to smell "Executive Worthy". (Although with the model showing some naughty bits, maybe Bourcheron should really think about their marketing and trying to tie it to a high end market - eh? Poor model, she looks cold. She can borrow my bathrobe.)
The new woody floral scent was developed by perfumer Ursula Wandel, who noted that...
There are about 20 natural products in B. Today, it’s rare to have as many natural ingredients, since the price doesn’t allow for it. The fragrance notes include cedar, sandalwood, patchouli, orange blossom, rose, osmanthus, apricot and spices.
Now I'm been finding out about the different designations of perfume. And although I have a bunch of floral - I really thought I was above floral perfumes - I thought for sure I was risque and seductive - Why me with just some dumb poofy flower? No Way! I'm like a sex kitten stalking at night - right?
Apparently not.
But as I delve deeper I'm liking Woodsy Florals - where I must emphasize NOT Oriental Flowers - holy Yuck. Anyway this one is a woodsy floral, and it very nice. No hint of vanilla to turn my tummy. Because of it's "for special occasions only" and it definately does not last all day long, hardly til noon, which I would hope an expensive perfume could have some staying power, I'm giving it three stars.
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