Seriously it just hit me.
I went to the Dry Cleaners!! I put together few blouses I have been meaning to take to the cleaners. I drop them off and think, "When was the last time I went to the cleaners?"
HOLY CRAP! The last time was when I lived in Sacramento to THAT dry cleaner! Really? Let me think back....did I ever go in Seattle? Maybe once? I know I had a pile sitting in the corner forever that had to go to the cleaners....Did it make it?....OMG! NO!
Now before you say *GROSS*, these blouses that I took today, although quite ripe, still were just purchased the last time I did my work clothes shopping (in 2008!) So not 5 years dirty but dirty enough.
Why didn't I go? Probably busy, I always felt like I was going a mile a minute. Why was everything always so hustle bustle? I don't know. I had a friend who told me, "Your life makes ME tired." And man, it did. I was doing so much..or I must have been. It's a serious blur now.
That's something I found out about Sacramento after I left. It's slower, but to me in a good way. I've now heard numerous times people referring to it as the Mid-West lifestyle. More close nit. Family-ish. You want nightlife? Go to San Fran. Actually I never was bored. I heard the young singles think this place is boring, not me! Maybe it was just the right amount for me. And maybe with all the things going on in Seattle made it feel so busy..."This is Seattle, Land of Culture, go out NOW!"
A couple musings this morning of things I missed and have been enjoying
1. Warm Mornings. At least warm in Seattle's terms, it was 65 when I drove into work. I haven't worn a jacket since being here.
2. Fresh Cut Grass. Ahhhh the land of lawns and sprinklers. It just makes the air smell cleaner and refreshing and so "Spring". Don't know why most of Seattle doesn't do it. It's like a bunch of overgrown yards for that: "We are eco-friendly and let it grow natural" Whatever. Water and mow your lawns people (sidebar: I will say the suburbs DID have sprinklers and mowed lawns, it's just the enviro-kooks that didn't.) But to be equal, there are a bunch of crappy home owners that let it dry up and look like straw crap here it's even.
3. I'm reading again! This probably will stop when the family arrives, but in the meantime I read before bed EVERY night. It's wonderful.
4. LOTION, LOTION, LOTION! Another thing that is because the family is gone and I have time again. My skin looks fabulous. I have time to cleanse, to put masks on, and to lotion with SPF and nightcream! I just bought a new one for just my thighs (FatGirlSlim) and it's wonderful. I'm putting it on my feet again and having regular pedicures. I actually shave my legs more! And my elbows! My poor elbows have been neglected under the many layers you must wear in the PNW. But they are out and needing my full attention! You've got it elbows! Join the rest of our Lotion Party.
14 hours ago
1 comment:
Now work on keeping this shit up when the family arrives. You can do it!!
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