Friday, September 5, 2008

The New Phonebook is here! The New Phonebook is here!

Now I'm somebody!

OHHHH one of my worst sinful addictions came in the mail today. The new Holiday Season Swiss Colony catalog! How could I have forgotten it was Sept and time to start my holiday festivities!

I have been getting this catalog for years, decades I think. The photos of meat & cheese influenced me from a young age. I would sit for hours each year flipping through the pages, reading each and every description of food treat. In my early youth I'd daydream of my friends and family actually knowing to buy me one of the wonderful holiday gift baskets...

Until I got older and I started sending the stuff out as gifts. Once I got married I found I was spending an arm and leg to give these gifts out (upwards of $500 per Christmas) Luckily I put a kybosh on that last year - making my own fudge and tasty treats for friends. I think everyone appreciated my thought of Swiss Colony, but I also felt like they felt obliged to have to reciprocate, which they so never had to do.

So here I am tonight circling all the things I want to buy - and maybe a few for friends. The ones that live far away. But we Jehlik's here in my house have a family tradition of the last 5 years, which are the Swiss Colony Petite Fours!! AHHHHHHH Jehlik Family Petite Four Tradition. One of my best ideas if I say so myself. Rod is absolutely addicted to these sweet treats, so much so I have to buy multiple boxes and have the company space out shipping. One box before Thanksgiving, One box right after Thanksgiving and another right before Christmas. Otherwise Rod will eat a box a week and we'd have nothing near Christmas time.

Plus I keep a spare mini box in case we have holiday visitors. Ask Heather or Dawn, they came to see the new baby and got a plate of Petite Fours pushed on them :)

So you poor souls who stagger to the Hickory Farms stand in the mall, I feel for you. You did not get the Swiss Colony bug as I have and it has not passed its glory upon you.

Don't worry. You may stop by my house and have a plate of sweet treats and some great meat & cheese logs. Mmmmmmmm good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love their chocolate tortes!