Monday, September 8, 2008

Weight Watchers AGAIN!

I used to be a small people know this? Most think I'm small now, but I'm still 20 pounds heavier then I was before Alex. But I was 29back then... (and 30 pounds heavier then High School, but as Rod tells me, grown ups are not suppose to have High School bodies and that I was utterly too skinny!)

Anyway I gained 54 pounds when I was pregnant with Alex. So after life got back into a routine, somewhere around 18 months old for him, my friend Pam at work joined WW. She too had just had a child too. She was attending the meetings with some friends. So I decided to go on Ebay and buy the starter kit and do WW at work with her. I never went to the meetings, just lived through her and what the leaders taught them.

Well she lost 37 pounds and I lost 27 pounds! I never got back down to pre-pregnancy weight, but I got within 8 pounds and was quite happy.

Then I moved to Seattle, and got depressed. Packed back on 18 pounds of it. Did Biggest Loser WW challenge at work and lost 15 pounds!

Then I got pregnant and now am back to 140 lbs. That's alot for someone who loved being 118. I have been trying to get back on WW, and have paid for it online since March. But I just have not been able to get on track!

I RE-started Saturday. I plugged in online that I was 140. And started counting again. Saturday went well! Sunday did not. I tried and actually think I did "okay", but did go over in points.

I'm going to try all week to stick to it. There is a wedding this weekend and the dress I bought is too tight! I just need to lose some water weight and it will fit, and I worry people will notice I still have the pregnancy weight on me.

I don't look bad, but I don't look like what I want to be.

We'll see - there are other dire needs in this world besides me losing 10 pounds.

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