Monday, October 13, 2008

I've been tagged!

So I'm suppose to play - right? (I'm a tagged virgin so I'm not quite sure!) Did anyone notice - there's no "D"?


A. Attached or Single?
B. Best Friend?
Toss up between Pam & Amy (both Sacramento Peeps)mostly because of tenure
C. Cake or pie?
Depends on what you are serving - usually pie
E. Essential item?
Aerosol Whip Cream
F. Favorite color?
G. Gummy bears or worms?
Worms - with sugar on them
H. Hometown?
I don't know anymore. I don't feel like a Californian anymore, and I don't feel like I belong in Washington. I feel lost in limbo
I. Favorite indulgence?
Breakfast - seriously
J. January or July?
In Sacramento: January
In Seattle: July
K. Kids?
It feels weird to even say I have kids - but I do have 2
L. Life isn’t complete without?
M. Marriage date?
Oct 16, 2005
N. Number of brothers and sisters?
One younger sister
O. Oranges or Apples?
If Juice - then Oranges (no pulp)
P. Phobias?
I seem to have acquired a fear of flying
Before that it was deformed faces (think too much sci-fi)
Q. Quotes?
Life is too short to make the bed
R. Reasons to smile?
I seriously had to stop and think about it
I will say the sound of my kids laughing
T. Tag 5 people:
UMMM, I don't have anyone to tag, there's Heather and Lisa - Jessica? Lindsey? Does anyone read my blog?
U. Unknown fact about me?
I still dream of becoming a professional equestrian rider
V. Vegetable?
ANY PLEASE! I miss cauliflower and brussel sprouts
W. Worst habit?
My worst habit I'm not talking about - a BAD habit is biting my cuticles
X. X-rays or Ultrasound
Is MRI a choice?
Y. Your favorite food?
Breakfast! But I guess I could LIVE on quiche
or Horchata
Z. Zodiac sign?
Sagittarius, and I love being a Sagittarius


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you rode horses! I used to ride a long while ago myself; I miss it.

Alex & Willow's Mom aka: Laura said...

Yup - for a couple of years when I was a kid, but then we moved. And I hear it was expensive. So I was put in Soccer after that.