Oh little office heater, how I've missed thee.
Who are the crazy air conditioning Gods who feel that 65 degrees is acceptable office temperature when you are stuck in a little box of an office, with no windows or ventilation?
Do you know OSHA? It's the federal policies that some adhere to, and some companies don't. But in Calif, especially in Sacramento, I always had a space heater. I was cold. It was 90 degrees outside but a frigid 60 inside! WHAT! My thermostat at my house was set at 85. No seriously it was. Hey when it's 110 outside, 85 is cool and relaxing.
When I lived by myself I would turn on the heat and SWEAT at night - windows open of course.
So I like it warm. Did you get that? So imagine my dismay, when moving to Seattle and it's cold (under 65) more then 10 months of the year. And my added dismay when my hubby does not share my enjoyment of warmth. (We did come to a compromise but it took me 4 years to feel comfortable at 72 in the house.) And then my world was ROCKED with my prior work when I was not allowed a space heater. My only salvation??! The thing that makes or breaks my happiness? Yup, I was cold for years. Cold outside, cold inside, walked from cold spot to cold spot.
But it's back - my lovely little space heater. And I keep it on ALL DAY LONG. People at the new work make fun of me, I have been calling it my Tropical Paradise! But unfortunately my computer is not like the blasts of hot air, and gets really bothered so I do turn it off occasionally (like now for instance) just to give the ol' computer a little chillin' out time.
But I'm cold again. And I'll be turning it on momentarily.....ahhhhhhhhh. Screw you OSHA.
I am totally like this! The only thing is that I forget to turn them off. So, I end up bringing a blanket. I did a heating pad for a while, but yes, I forgot to unplug that when I left a couple times, too.
Heyyyy.... post more!! :o)
I need to be warm too. Being cold makes me super grumpy. I get really annoyed with people who moan about rooms being too hot when it's TOTALLY not
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