I've done it! I've been meaning to for such a long time!
I had been wanting a house, to have a backyard, to plant a vegetable garden. I remember when we bought the house in Seattle, and once settled, I went online to find out...well, HOW do you plant vegetables. In particular, I wanted tomatoes. My dad had a vegetable garden as I was growing up. And even though I didn't myself help out, or really want to eat what he sowed, I really have fond memories of watching my dad garden and how THRILLED my mom was with the veggies. They would set out a plate of sliced tomatoes with salt on them, and my mom and dad would gush over how delicious they were. I remember turning my nose up at them. But as an adult I now must put salt on my tomatoes anytime I see one sliced.
I wanted to plant tomatoes. Guess what? The PNW is a horrible place to garden! It's wet and cold the majority of the year, and tomatoes, although CAN be done, really hate Seattle weather. I was so disappointed. I had dreams of tending to my garden but guess what? I hardly ever went into our backyard. Rod says I was there 6 times in 5 years. I'm thinking that's pretty close.
Now if I was crazy determined, I could have bundled up and just done a PNW garden. I could have invested money in a greenhouse and sunlight lamps. But I didn't I mooped instead.
But now that I'm in Sac, I KNOW that Tomatoes are the "it" plant. People are all a buzz with veggie gardens here. It's the thing to do. So I bought a ONE, little tomato plant and a container and all the tomato accessories. And a veggie garden book. I'm set. It's planted.
I've named him Bob, like Bob the Tomato from Veggie Tales. Me and Bob are taking on the world!
Of course now I've realized I should have waited til May 1. Since night time temps have to be above 50, and that's not til May. But it's only been a week, and Bob is looking pretty good. I brought him inside last night as it was suppose to be 40 degrees.
Guess what? He's now my friend. I talk to Bob! How crazy am I? I do not have anyone at the house with me. So now I talk to my plant. Nice. I even read a book on the patio with Bob. I'm thinking we are going to have a BBQ this weekend together.
1 comment:
You and Bob will have a long and fruitful life together. Hehehehehehee.
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