Thursday, September 25, 2008

Little Red Jacket

I needed new jacket. My old black wool one has seen better days. I think I got it before I was ever pregnant with Alex. it's missing buttons, it's really pilled.

SO I found one on Alloy - a teenager catalog of clothes - that sometimes I just say "screw it" and buy the clothes because they are so cute. Now I know I'm not a small there, and I'm praying I'm a medium...but it's hard to tell when it's junior sizes. Before kids I definitely was a small, now after Willow I'm not too sure of that.

So I got a medium. It's snug! Poo - like I feel I might rip the back seam if I try to button it - or bring my arms together. So I decide in August (because that's when I bought a Wool Winter Coat) to put it up on a hanger and make it my "inspiration" to lose this baby weight. Yup 15 pounds and I know that jacket will fit perfect!
Well I've lost 5 pounds - and today was cold and I need that jacket on! It KINDA fit. Or at least it was better - it's still tight and still needs another 5 pounds lost, but it buttoned. So back on the hanger it goes. Hanging on my wall like those bikinis to fit in - but my lusting is a wool jacket.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I love it!