Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's a wonderful life

We got up early like usual today, but threw the family together, slapped some clothes on and took Uncle Forrest to breakfast before his plane flight home in the afternoon.

Tangent: When we called to ask if he was ready...he asked what time it was...It was 7:30 am. Both kids have been awake an hour...and when the time was spoken he said "THAT EARLY!" ahhhhh to live like bachelor again.

Anyway, as we drove back from breakfast, I saw someone on their bike as most people bike in this town. And on this especially gorgeous September day, I looked at the tempurature display on the car...66 degrees...which seems perfect for a bike ride (at now 9 am). Plus as I put how much I ate into Weight, I find I have only 4 points left, so I need to exercise just to get more points or else I'll starve today.

I don't ride my bike anymore. I used to ride my bike everywhere. 3 to 5 times a week. Leisurely mind you, not those crazy bike riders with the outfits and the crazy click-clack shoes. But I would go to the park with Alex, go to the gym, go to an art walk, go to work (if close by), go to happy hour. I rode my bike at least 9 months of the year. So much so I left it pretty much at the front door for my immediate engagement at anytime.

When I was moving to Seattle, I thought, as did my friends, "Oh I will fit right in!" I love being outdoors, I love riding my bike, hiking, camping. I was more "green" then anyone else I knew. I was grossly wrong.

But I don't ride my bike in Seattle. All the things I loved about riding my bike seemed difficult or unattainable.

First, I never rode if it was cold and/or wet out. So there's about 10 months of the year in Seattle shot for me.

Secondly, Sacramento is FLAT, Seattle has HILLS. I was a long distance rider, I loved seeing the scenary and feeling the breeze in my hair, watching the tree leaves glisten in the sun shine. What I got was a bunch of hills. Cold, wet hills. The bicyclers here, wear weather proof garb, and like "The Challenge" of bicycling. I do not! I liked the relaxation and inner thoughts and peace that came with bicycling. And it's like a different ball game here.

Thirdly, my bike wasn't by the door anymore. It is hidden in the one car garage/storage unit thing sitting in our backyard. Covered in dust and spiderwebs. Every time I'd have to take it out - I'd have to move the 10,000 boxes around it to get it out...what a hassle. Not worth the effort to freeze in the drizzle, and get a cold just to kill myself on some hills.

Speaking of hassle, beforehand when Alex was small he rode on the back of the bike in a child's seat. I wanted to do the same with him here, but as I said, I don't do hills. So to go bicycling with Alex I had to brave the spiders and boxes, then get the bike on a bike rack on the back of the car, get Alex prepared and in the car, drive to Greenlake, get OUT of the car, take bike off and get Alex out - THEN bike around Greenlake, thus doing the whole thing again just to get us home. Someone took away the pleasure I used to get from bicycling. And so my bike has sat in the garage for 4 years, only coming out for a camping trip.

But this morning, on this glorious morning, I wanted to ride my bike. I wanted to feel the breeze and hear the leaves, and not be trapped in my house. And although I still felt guilty bailing on my family - I went anyway.

Guess what? The tires were flat! Well I guess that's not shocking since it just gathers dust. So I had to ride it flat tires and all to the Shell Station. Puff puff puff, wow, I'm out of shape!

Then to Greenlake. I live only 3 blocks from Greenlake!! And I never go, being that it is a hassle just to get the family together, and find parking, then all we'd do is watch Alex play at the park. Not much fun after the 10,000th time. No I wanted to bicycle there by myself. Exercise and a little alone mommy time.

So I finally get there after taking my detour to the Shell Station and The Susan G. Komen, breast cancer walk is happening - it's swarming the pathways. NO BIKES ALLOWED!

I start bawling and crying. I just wanted to finally ride my bike. My wonderful bike that I miss so much! Finally I become angry. I want to ride my bike dammit! I do not see anyone else on the path with a bike just bunches of pink shirts and weirdly lots of bras. You go girls - but I want to ride my bike. I've ridden Greenlake TWICE in four years...move over - let another person on. I finally decide to just ride the other side going the wrong way. SCREW IT. How many other times am I going to get a chance to ride my bike at Greenlake before the cold rolls in??

So I do, and I go around twice. I almost made it out of there without someone telling me I was going the wrong way. I'm pleased with myself. I go home (walking my bike up the hills). I burned 4 points.

Side Bar: I have daydreamed lately, because when/if I get my new job. I want to bike to work. With gas prices and how much I miss bike riding I am SO PSYCHED!! I can not wait, I'm itching to do it. Maybe I will get myself an outfit and some click-clack shoes.

1 comment:

Lily said...

This post just makes me wish I was in Sacramento again. Thanks! And I'm even one of those click-clacky bike riders!!