Thursday, February 26, 2009

Your weight: The Big Debate, Topic 1 THE SCALE

AHHHHH the scale. We all have one right? You know it. It's under your bed, or out on the bathroom floor. Maybe you put it away, and it's been in the bottom of a closet for a while. Or maybe you have been good with that New Year's Resolution and your scale has had quite a workout in these last few months?

Well my scale is out. I like it in the middle of the bedroom floor, but Rod trips over it in his stupor upon waking in the morning, so sometimes we slide it under the bed. But I like this cheap little scale. It's a plain digital white one from Weight Watchers and it has the nearest .2, which helps. What would you rather be: 136.6? or rounded up to 137? I rest my case.

But have you ever noticed that we LOVE our home scales (okay love is strong) but we can not stand the Doctor's Office Scale?? HMMM? You know the one. It's an actual calibrated scale that you stand upon and have a nurse slowly, slowly, slowly, inch up the weight til it reaches what probably is your actual weight.

So there's the debate. Where is our actual weight? We use our home scale during dieting almost everyday...or at least I do. I know I'm suppose to do it once a week at the same time, but sometimes I have to check! And we weigh ourselves at home in the morning, right? The very second we get up, we RUSH to the bathroom and do our morning business, and then without any strip of clothing weigh ourselves BUCK naked..okay well I do! That's our real weigt right? Our very early in the day, buck naked, nothing in our system weight right?

Of course it's not. Our real weight is waiting for us at the Doctor's Office. Because we make our appt for 2 pm. What am I thinking??? That's two full meals I'll have eaten! And probably a snack or two...well crap! I step on the Real Scale and there is an extra five pounds that wasn't there this morning! UMMM Doc? Your scale is broken...

Well if you are like me, and I know this part is a little kookie, but you make sure to have an early morning appt. Like all my OB appts during pregnancy were at 9 am. And I didn't eat til after I was weighed! I brought a nutrition bar or a piece of fruit in my purse and after being weighed chomped down on that puppy! Geez I'm a pregnant woman starving here!

Oh it's worse. I'd make sure to have some coffee, because we all know it help things to "move along". Or as my mom would refer to it as the Daily Constitution. Well I am NOT being weighed without pooping! And I'd even go potty before being weighed to get anything out.

Does this work? YOU BET! I'd do it when I wasn't pregnant and on Wieght Watchers. I'd go to the gymat lunch but on my weigh in day I'd go a little earlier (because I'm starving from not eating!) and weigh myself bet I'm 132! Not the 138 the Doctor's Scale says!

Anyway, there you have it - the great debate. Which Scale has your REAL weight?


AmyAnne said...

EVERYONE likes to take a crap before being weighed. Whether or not they admit it.

I JUST, like yesterday, read that people who weigh themselves daily are less likely to have the 'surprise' poundage sneaking up on them. Makes sense.

I sometimes weigh myself everyday, sometimes I don't. I went all summer last year and didn't weigh myself once because there was no scale. I didn't realize it until I was home 2 months later. But of course I happened to be losing weight during that time. Whatever.

Now I DO love to weigh myself first thing in the AM and nekked for sure!! Not after the shower because then my hair is wet and that HAS to add weight, right?!

I figure all the other scales can say what they want, but my own personal scale is where I am vindicated or shamed. That is the one I will rely on. My steady. Screw the rest of them.

Lily said...

Hi Laura!

Love this blog topic. You know what? I actually love to weigh myself at the gym, and they have the calibrated scales. Also, I weigh myself in the mid-afternoon - the heaviest time of day! This is because I want to kick my own ass and make sure I know exactly how much I weigh so I don't eat as many cookies or chocolates at home. But, due to the pending horrific exam, wedding planning, etc, that never works. I'm always sneaking in the cookies and chocolate. Yet it's good to face the music when I get around to finally getting to the gym during the week so that I know what I need to do. Oh, and I totally concur on doin' the doo prior to weighing myself... :-)

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